Contact Me

Magdalena Tarko is a charismatic entrepreneur, she feels deeply connected to nature through its elements and energy, and is committed to using these connections to share her discoveries with others.  Magda is passionate about cooking, and through an Ayurvedic lens she views food as medicine.  Her happy place is in the kitchen, creating holistic meals, from the bounty of her kitchen gardens.  Magda combines breathing exercises, marma activations and elemental balance through her committed yoga practice.

Calling on this experience, and recently her deep interest in quantum flow activations, she finds inspiration and joy in sharing her skills and knowledge with others.  Her focus is to help one align with their true self through nutrition, movement and meditation tools.

Magdalena enjoys living off grid in northern Ontario, with her husband, two teenagers, two border Collies, and myriad of other creatures, both wild and domesticated.

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